Pre-course RBSPS Autumn Meeting 2024

We are thrilled to share that our very first Prejuvenation Day is completely sold out! The incredible response and enthusiasm from all of you motivates us to start thinking about organizing another edition in the future.

    • yoga session in the morning - access to club
    • healthy lunch
    • scientific session with invited speakers:
      • Patrick Tonnard is a private plastic surgeon with special interest in regenerative surgery. Medical Director of the Coupure Centrum voor Plastische Chirurgie and the Esthetic Medical Center 2 in Ghent and Sint-Martens-Latem. Co-inventor of the MACS face lift technique and the nanofat technique for stem cell induced skin regeneration. 
      • Eline Lievens is Professor Exercise Physiology in the research groupe "Exercise Physiology and Sports Nutrition" at Ghent University. She is lecturer in charge for "Sports and Exercise Medicine", "Exercise Physiology" and "Nutrition and Sports Nutrition", where she teaches sports and rehabilitation scientists about the importance of physical activity for health. In 2022, she won the Flemish PhD Cup.
      • Isabel Frias is a psychiatrist and behavioral cognitif psycho-therapist in Brussels, focusing in mental health prevention tools and strategies for modulating chronic stress related disorders.
      • Veerle Cools was a lawyer / curator for 35 years and made a career switch to yoga teacher and body-mind coach.
      • Reginald Deschepper is professor emeritus in medical anthropology, life style & health expert.
      • Richard Passwater is biochemist, Medical Education Director of Bio Minerals N.V.
      • Petra Van Gucht is biochemist, geneticist and epigeneticist, co-founder and director of the Cosmogroup.
      • Aubrey de Grey is a biomedical gerontologist based in Silicon Valley, California, USA, and is the founder, President and Chief Science Officer of LEV Foundation, a biomedical research and advocacy charity focused on repairing the molecular and cellular damage of aging. He received his BA in computer science and Ph.D. in biology from the University of Cambridge.
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