• Become a member

    Contribute to the direction and development of our speciality and take part in an ongoing exchange of information, knowledge and expertise.
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  • Join us at our RBSPS meetings

    Every year, both in spring and autumn, we organize a high quality scientific meeting in English with internationally renowned speakers.
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Welcome to the website of the

Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery

RBSPS - The official portal of Belgian plastic surgery

The Royal Belgian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery is the scientific organ of this discipline in Belgium. Our society incorporates exclusively officially accredited plastic surgeons or trainees. Here you will find, among other things, the answers to most questions that patients rightly ask themselves before considering or having reconstructive or aesthetic plastic surgery performed. A handy overview of these questions can be found on the "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) page.


Upcoming events

BOOBS 2025

Brussels Onco & Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium


Latest news

Prof. Dr. Denise Jacquemin passed away

The board of the RBSPS has the sad duty to announce you the passing away of our Member, Prof. Dr. Denise Jacquemin on the 26th November 2024.


Good to know

RBSPS is the official organisation representing plastic surgery to the public, the industry and the government. It aims to raise awareness about the extensiveness and the possibilities of the different aspects of our speciality. It also stimulates innovation, training and scientific research.

Here you will find more information on the official entities: RBSPS, VBS-GBS, CCP and the recognition commissions.

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